Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why You Shoud Lay A Good Example As A Parent

The renowned scholar,James Baldwin, said "Children have
never been good at listening to their elders but they have
never failed to imitate them."

Children do not really cherish paying attention to listening to
people, not even their parents,for too long.They prefer seeing
you instructing them by your own good examples.

You have to do and stop showing.

Act it!

Say less as a parent,if you desire to have children you can be
proud of later in life.

Parents are failing in their duties simply because they emphasize
sermonising over showing by example.This will never yield the
expected result.

How do you explain a situation where a father smokes,drinks,
gambles and womanizes,yet he tries to persuade his teenage
children to deviate from such vices by tagging them "unhealthy
and life-threatening"?

The children will point his attention to the fact at hand - "You
are doing what you are castigating,sir".

The right thing should be to live out your words.When you say
something,let your children see the same thing being done by you
as their parent.

The truth is that even before you say so the children will "never
fail to imitate you".

As a parent you should lay a good example for your children to

Happy Parenting...


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