Thursday, January 8, 2009

Annoying Normal Behaviours From Your Child

Children are normal human beings like the rest of us.
For this reason,therefore they will normally pose some
annoying behaviours that some times get on their
parents' nerves.

These behaviours are normal even if they are annoying
to your as a parent.They may make you mad but to the
child, there is nothing wrong.It is just the way people of
his age will behave in such circumstance.

The appeal here is that you should not see your child as
being different from the other children of his age.He is
normal, there is nothing strange in his behaviour.

Instead, you should wonder why the other child around
you is not doing what your child is doing which you think
is annoying at that moment in time.

These are common annoying,but normal behaviour
common among children that are 13 years old:

*He may refuse to communicate
*He withdraws to the room most times especially
when he sights a stranger.
*He will frequently demand more privacy and he
could even accuse you of prying too much into his life.
* He may be uncertain about himself and about life generally.
*He could be unfriendly and unhappy without any visible,
clear or explainable reason.
*He may worry himself about his body features.
*He may not want to be understood by you or anybody
else around.
*He may just have fewer friends and feels happy about it.
*He could choose to speak in a low voice.
*He may just shrug his shoulders when answering
your questions.
*More often than not he may feel teachers are unjust.
*He may be found crying in his room for no clear reason.
* He worries about everything.
* He may not find it easy to express affection.
* He may not often confide in you his parents.
* He feels easily embarrassed by you.

Have you noticed any of these behaviours in your 13 year
old child?Don't worry,it's a passing phase.

Happy Parenting...


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