Saturday, January 17, 2009

How To Help Your Teenager Develop Good Study Habits At Home

Parents are always complaining about the studying
habits of their teenage children.They find themselves
somehow helpless when it comes to matters of this
nature.But there is always a way around whatever
problem there is.

The following are ways by which you can help your
teenager develop good study habits:

* Let your child know that you are a team player in his school
life. You,as his parent, are there to help him become a better

* It is imperative for your child that you create an environment
where he can study and do his homework with few interruptions
and distractions.

* Make sure that his homework is done at a particular time of the
day regularly.This is because children are always interested in
routines .Research has proved that children feel more balanced
and comfortable when there is a routine for the day. However,
you should not expect you child to sit and work quietly on
homework during a chaotic time in the house.

* There is a need for the whole family to come together to create a
"Quiet Time"every day.The time should be spent with the parents
reading, doing laundry, working on the computer, etc. - certainly
not watching TV or talking on the phone. This will make the child
have the idea that it is very important that all of us can get our work
done in a quiet and efficient manner.

* You should create a "Corner" for the child in the house where he
could set up his reading.This could be anywhere in the house.

* Avoid laying any complaint about your child's homework while
other children including his siblings will be with you.All your comments
about his academic works should be centred on him alone and in the
absence of other people.

* Avoid the temptation of doing the homework for your child.This
does not mean that you may explain things to his if he doesn't
understand the question.

Happy Parenting...


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