Thursday, January 22, 2009

How To Develop A Kids Reward System

Your parenting efforts could become more rewarding and fruitful if you will just learn how to reward your kids throughthe Kid Rewarding System.

Every kid wants to be rewarded for whatever efforts they put into what they have been asked to do by their parents. They love it and desire it most times.But most parents do not seem to understand this all important fact about their children.

The trick of the Kid Rewarding System(KRS) is to reward immediately he does something appreciable and present him with something he is actually interested in.

Make effort to set a goal for your child and tell your him that when he accomplish the task (which can be anything such as keeping his room clean, completion his homework, doing school projects, learning a new instrument and so on) ‘X’ reward awaits him. The ‘X’ reward must be a thing he desires.

From your announcement it is clear and understood that when the task is completed you would be rewarding the child.However, the proper system is that here you shall also be rewarding the child for a good try even though the task is not accomplished.

Most of us reward only an accomplished task which discourages the child because he would have felt within him that his effort,though an attempt, should have been recognised at least.

Please begin to implement this new system and see how your children will improve their task every time they are given anything to do.

Happy Parenting...


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