Thursday, January 8, 2009

How To Pave The Way For A Healthier Teen/Parent Relationship

The present day teenagers are always at logger-head with
their parents to the extent that some will even decide to leave
home in protest against what they term "a hard handedness"
by their parents.

But is this how it should be?

Can't there be a smooth and happy relationship between the
parents and their teenage children?

Where have we lost it as parents in our relationship with the
children who are seeing themselves as adults ,but whom we
are looking at as our young children?

The thing is that most parents do not allow their children to
come to them.They don't give the children the chance to be
themselves.No chance has ever been given to the children to
talk and ask questions concerning things that are worrying
their lives.

Most experts agreed that parents should try to raise their
children in an open and loving way which will directly
translate to easy communications between children and

The other consequences of such principle will include
strong friendship between the children and their parents
as the young ones will quickly take to their parents like
they take to their friends and feel very free at all times
to communicate their seeming problems without hindrances.

Another way to go about the relationship thing is for you
to keep asking your children questions about their friends,
hobbies,relationships with the opposite sex,movies, news
items etc.

Show them your concern about their lives and their future.
Where they show some fear, assure them that as long as you
are informed about whatever is agitating their minds,they
will definitely get some positive responses from you that will
give them the need assurance.

Assure them that you are taking cognisance of their likes and
dislikes which you consider very important in the scheme of
things just like they consider them too.

If you do the above, you shall be paving way for a healthier
relationship between you and your teenage children.

Happy Parenting...


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