Monday, February 2, 2009

Why You Should Avoid Getting Involved In Your Children’s Minor Squabbles

Your young children are as human just as you are.

Yes, they are born of the same mother...
Yes, they are from the same womb...
Yes, they stay under the same roof...

Perhaps they even share clothes sometimes.

But they are still different individuals who should be
accorded the honour of being able to live their lives
their different ways.

Sibling rivalry is good.

Sibling rivalry,provided it is monitored by the parents,
is the best way to make your children develop fast.The
fact is that whoever of your children that is doing fine will
be seen by the other or others as someone to emulate;
challenged positively and perhaps beat him in his own

It happened to me before.
My immediate elder brother is a very brilliant guy
who shows off among his mates to my envy.I always
see him as a person who should be given a run for his

Therefore, in order to turn the table against him and
make him be the one to envy me,l became more serious
with my area of endowment,drama.

I joined some amateur drama groups and got trained
properly to become a fine actor and writer.
Since he was only good at reading,he became envious
of my ability to write very interesting drama piece
which he was always begging me to give him to read.

My answer was always that he should be patient as l
did not like sharing a work in progress with people
who are not real writers like myself.I'd add that only
writers like me could detect what was wrong with the
story l was writing and perhaps give the right advice.

Our parents did not dabble into our rivalry;the just
kept on watching us.And for this we all grew in our
separate pace;at our different time and in our separate
areas of natural endowments.

Today, we are still the best of friends among my siblings
and my children and his own children too never believed
that we were at a time very bitter rivals who were trying
to excel each other in everything we were doing as very
young boys.

As a parent you should let your children grow up on
their own naturally.With time they will outgrow the
sibling rivalry provided you have never dabbled into
the matter and give support to any of the parties involved.

Happy Parenting...

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